Saturday, November 21, 2009

Christmas Tyme and Snowman everywhere

In Texas Snowmen are a rare site, so I'm surprized at how many people collect them down here,
I heard Lucy of Lacys Lazy Dayz Primitives say on "Prim sisters" that she was making 4ft snowmen, I 'm interested to see pics of those guys.
I used to say I only sew Halloween , But Christmas has really got a hold of me this year, I started making snowmen outta sweaters and they are kkkkaaaute!
Raggedies are also tugging at me ,the sweeter the better, Threadbare Primitives have some cute patterns and I'm thinking on those , Anyone know where I can get that hair cheaper?
Anywho, I'm off to sew yet another snowman,
I just found a recipe for snowtex ( fake snow) that I'm in love with at the moment, alot cheaper
than snowtex and does a better job! so needless to say let snow ya'll!